Medford takes pride in its vibrant cultural scene, where art and creativity thrive at every corner. From captivating performances at the Craterian Theater and award-winning plays at the Collaborative Theatre Project, to the colorful murals that adorn the walls of Southern Oregon's largest city, Medford is a living canvas that celebrates the arts in every form. These murals not only enhance the city’s beauty but also reflect the rich history and diverse stories of the region, making Medford a must-visit destination for art lovers.
π Vogel Plaza
The City of Medford wanted a mural that would celebrate the city’s history, it’s agricultural past and present, and acquaint visitors with the area’s traditions and culture. Colorado artist, Yulia Avgustinovich, combined historic buildings of the area, birds, and plants that are native to the state of Oregon, to celebrate the beauty and history of Jackson county. The wall is decorated with pockets of pear orchards and blossoms that helped define Medford for its rich agricultural scene.
π OnTrack Building
The OnTrack building, located on West Main Street in downtown Medford, adorns a painting commemorating the beautiful outdoor scenery of Southern Oregon. The mural was painted by artist, Casillas Oliver, said the mural is aimed to spark joy but can also be interpreted by every viewer differently. The wall showcases the rushing Rogue River Gorge, as well as the state bird, a Meadowlark, with pear blossoms in the background.
π Bartlett Street
When walking past Bartlett Street, you'll find a pair of wings painted by Medford's own, Janice and Ryan Moon. Oregon's state motto in Latin, "Alis volat propriis", which means, "She flies with her own wings", is labeled above the painting. The mural's goals was to bring joy and inspiration to people who come across the previously barren street wall.
π Evergreen Way
Jacksonville artist, Melissa Ghiglieri, commissioned her first Medford mural with a painting of a darker-colored handed holding a light-colored hand, depicting a message of diversity, authenticity, and unity. The idea came from the building owner, Laz Ayala, and was developed by Phil Ortega with the nonprofit LIFEArt — a program that uses art to help local disadvantaged youth.
π Southern Oregon Historical Society Building
The Medford Arts Commission brainstormed the idea and the placement on the Southern Oregon Historical Society's building in downtown Medford. Kirk Seese, a mural and sculpture artist from Baltimore, painted the wall located on Central and 5th, depicting transportation from all ages in the Rogue Valley such as a United Airlines biplane, a Mercy Flights Jet, as well as other local icons like Crater Lake.
π Middleford Alley
When local artist, Adrian Chavez, approached the owners of Over Easy Brunch about adding an art piece to their alley, they gave him the creative freedom to do whatever he pleased. He wanted a cultural focus, landing on a mural of his brother-in-law in the uniform he wears when he plays with a local, traditional, Mexican music group, Mariachi Joya de Oro.
π Middleford Alley
The first of Adrian Chavez's three commissioned murals in Jackson County, this mural is located on the backside of the Terra Firma Building, just down the road from his other mural, "Recuerdo", located along Middleford Alley. This mural depicts a strong woman in representation of the woman of color in our community.
π City Center Wine District
Local business owner of The Urban Cork, District Wine Bar, and Pallet Wine Company; Linda Donovan, had a blank wall on her campus that she found an art piece that represents all things wine, food, and fun, was worth the investment and a great addition to the property.
π Hawthorne Park Viaduct pillars under Interstate-5.
The City of Medford's goal was to revitalize a part of downtown that had a reputation for being unsafe and underused. The pillars holding up I-5, were decorated with aspects of the Rogue Valley's landscape with species native to our region. Artist, Jessilyn Brinkerhoff, worked with the Wildlife Images Center to collect the stories and research of many characters used within the piece including the Western pond turtle, blue heron, trout, salmon, rattlesnake, swallowtail butterfly, pollinators, insects, black bear and cougar. The park now hosts the Rogue Valley Growers Market, music events, a dog park, and has become a vital location to Medford's community events.
π Underpass at 501 E. Main Street
The city of Medford commissioned this project under the, "Bright Bridges Project" to help bring art and life to areas that may otherwise be underused within the city. Bay area artisit, John Osgood, depicted birds in flight using bright colors to transform this underpass near Hawthorne Park.
π Hawthorne Park
Medford artist, Melissa Ghiglieri, was excited to bring art to her hometown and loved having the creative freedom to bring light to the park. The first beam depicts leaves and trees with fruit and owls to welcome people into the park. The next beam has dogs in costumes, like firemen to represent our first responders. She really just wanted to paint something fun to attract people to the park and to make the whole area a nice place for people and their families to be.
Explore the art that decorates the walls of downtown Medford and tag us in your photos of the murals @travelmedford on Instagram and Facebook!